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Citation: Critical Care 1999 1:141
Influence of cardiopulmonary resuscitation prior to defibrillation in patients with out-of-hospital ventricular fibrillation
Citation: Critical Care 1999 1:124 -
Isocapnic hyperpnea accelerates carbon monoxide elimination
Citation: Critical Care 1999 1:123 -
Temporal trends in cardiogenic shock complicating MI
Citation: Critical Care 1999 1:122 -
Pulmonary perfusion is more uniform in the prone than in the supine position: scintigraphy in healthy humans
Citation: Critical Care 1999 1:102 -
Variation in red cell transfusion practice in the intensive care unit: a multicentre cohort study
To determine the degree of interinstitutional transfusion practice variation and reasons why red cells are administered in critically ill patients.
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:57 -
Haemodynamic measurements (continuous cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance) in critically ill patients: transoesophageal Doppler versus continuous thermodilution
Citation: Critical Care 1999 1:83 -
C1-esterase inhibitor and its effects on endotoxin-induced leukocyte adherence and plasma extravasation in postcapillary venules
Citation: Critical Care 1999 1:82 -
Intestinal reperfusion injury is mediated by IgM and complement
Citation: Critical Care 1999 1:81 -
Sigh in acute respiratory distress syndrome
Citation: Critical Care 1999 1:61 -
Fomepizole for the treatment of ethylene glycol poisoning
Citation: Critical Care 1999 1:42 -
Tissue deposits of hydroxyethyl starch (HES): dose-dependent and time-related
Citation: Critical Care 1999 1:189 -
Inflammation in ischaemic heart disease
Citation: Critical Care 1999 1:1941 -
In-vivo evaluation of simultaneous administration of incompatible drugs in a central venous catheter with a decreased port to port distance
Multilumen catheters are commonly used in critically ill children.Their use, however, is associated with significant morbidity. We studied thesimultaneous administration of incompatible drugs using a new tripl...
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:51 -
The sound of silence: rationing resources for critically ill patients
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:R1 -
Comparison of procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) plasma concentrations at different SOFA scores during the course of sepsis and MODS
The relation of procalcitonin (PCT) plasma concentrations comparedwith C-reactive protein (CRP) was analyzed in patients with different severityof multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and systemic inflam...
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:45 -
Cisapride decreases gastric content aspiration in mechanically ventilated patients
To determine the effect of the prokinetic agent cisapride in theprevention of aspiration of gastric contents.
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:39 -
The effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on renal vascular resistance: the influence of renal denervation
To non-invasively study the effects of continuous positive airwaypressure breathing (CPAP) on renal vascular resistance in normal subjects andrenal allograft recipients, in other words those with with denervat...
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:33 -
A new chinese restaurant syndrome: the 'chinese fondue' carbon monoxide mass intoxication
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:55 -
Mechanical ventilation in rural ICUs
In recent years, rural hospitals have expanded their scope ofspecialized services, which has led to the development and staffing of ruralintensive care units (ICUs). There is little information about the bread...
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:23 -
Saline lavage with substitution of bovine surfactant in term neonates with meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) transferred for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO): a pilot study
Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) is still a condition associatedwith a high mortality, and many patients require extracorporeal membraneoxygenation (ECMO) as rescue therapy. Beneficial effects of surfactant ...
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:19 -
Editorial comment
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:17 -
Elevated calcitonin precursor levels are related to mortality in an animal model of sepsis
Increased serum levels of procalcitonin (ProCT) and its componentpeptides have been reported in humans with sepsis. Using a hamster model ofbacterial peritonitis, we investigated whether serum ProCT levels are...
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:11 -
Inhaled nitric oxide in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn refractory to high-frequency ventilation
This study was designed to evaluate the effect of nitric oxide(NO) on the management of neonates with severe persistent pulmonaryhypertension refractory to high-frequency oscillatory ventilation.
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:7 -
Fluctuations of inspired concentrations of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide during mechanical ventilation
Nitric oxide (NO) is a very reactive agent with potentially toxicoxidation products such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Therefore, duringNO inhalation a constant inspired concentration and accurate measurement of NOa...
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:1 -
SORAHSNs Continuing Medical Education programme
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:webreport361 -
Cardiac troponin T in the early detection for myocardial ischemia
Citation: Critical Care 1999 1:1161 -
Corticosteroids reduce early troponin-T release after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in men
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P27 -
Prediction of outcome in patients undergoing cardiac surgery on cardiopulmonary bypass using procalcitonin
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P26 -
Evaluation of myocardial cell damage in cardiac lymph during cardiopulmonary bypass
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P25 -
Acute phase response following cardiopulmonary bypass: impact of corticoid therapy
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P24 -
Age related response of cerebral mitochondrial oxygenation in neonates and infants undergoing circulatory arrest in deep hypothermia
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P23 -
Value of cranial ultrasound for diagnosing neuronal cell damage during arterial switch operation (ASO) in neonates with transposition of the great arteries (TGA)
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P22 -
Impact of cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegic arrest on myocardial efficiency
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P21 -
Effect of temperature on leukocyte activation during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and postoperative organ damage
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P20 -
Neurodevelopmental outcome related to cerebral risk factors in children after neonatal arterial switch operation
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P19 -
Mechanical and pharmacological strategies to reduce the systemic inflammatory response during CABG
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P18 -
Leukocyte interactions with surface modified biomaterials on in vitro flow conditions
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P17 -
Progesterone and interleukin-8 during and after cardiopulmonary bypass in infants and children
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P16 -
Is there a capillary leak after cardiopulmonary bypass in pigs?
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P15 -
L-arginine and substance P reverse the pulmonary endothelial dysfunction caused by congenital heart surgery
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P14 -
Induction of interleukin-10 during extracorporeal circulation
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P13 -
Nerve growth factor levels rise following cardiopulmonary bypass in children: a novel mediator in the systemic inflammatory response syndrome?
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P12 -
Free radicals induced lipid peroxidation following reperfusion in infants cardiac surgery: relationship to the release of the brain marker protein S-100 into the serum
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P11 -
Aprotinin does not influence the inflammatory reaction to cardiopulmonary bypass in humans
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P10 -
Inflammatory response to cardiopulmonary bypass in neonates and young children: endotoxin release, cytokine production, and gastrointestinal permeability
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P08 -
Is gastric malperfusion and endotoxemia one motor of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome following cardiac surgery?
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P07 -
Is the precise control of circulating heparin levels during cardiopulmonary bypass beneficial in paediatric open-heart surgery?
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P06 -
In vivo leucocyte-endothelial cell interaction induced by extracorporeal circulation: reduction by a coated tube system
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P04 -
Uncoated and coated blood contact surfaces of a hollow-fiber oxygenator: an in-vitro comparison
Citation: Critical Care 1999 3(Suppl 2):P02
- ISSN: 1364-8535 (electronic)