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  1. To determine the degree of interinstitutional transfusion practice variation and reasons why red cells are administered in critically ill patients.

    Authors: Paul C Hébert, George Wells, Claudio Martin, Martin Tweeddale, John Marshall, Morris Blajchman, Giuseppe Pagliarello, Dean Sandham, Irwin Schweitzer, Denis Boisvert and Lisa Calder
    Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:57
  2. Multilumen catheters are commonly used in critically ill children.Their use, however, is associated with significant morbidity. We studied thesimultaneous administration of incompatible drugs using a new tripl...

    Authors: Gerardo Reyes, Gurpreet S Mander, Tarek S Husayni, Rabi F Sulayman and David G Jaimovich
    Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:51
  3. The relation of procalcitonin (PCT) plasma concentrations comparedwith C-reactive protein (CRP) was analyzed in patients with different severityof multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and systemic inflam...

    Authors: Michael Meisner, Klaus Tschaikowsky, Thomas Palmaers and Joachim Schmidt
    Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:45
  4. To non-invasively study the effects of continuous positive airwaypressure breathing (CPAP) on renal vascular resistance in normal subjects andrenal allograft recipients, in other words those with with denervat...

    Authors: Rose A Sharkey, Eithne MT Mulloy, Michelle Long and Shane J O'Neill
    Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:33
  5. In recent years, rural hospitals have expanded their scope ofspecialized services, which has led to the development and staffing of ruralintensive care units (ICUs). There is little information about the bread...

    Authors: John F Fieselmann, Jeanne M Bock, Michael S Hendryx, Douglas Wakefield, Charles M Helms and Suzanne E Bentler
    Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:23
  6. Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) is still a condition associatedwith a high mortality, and many patients require extracorporeal membraneoxygenation (ECMO) as rescue therapy. Beneficial effects of surfactant ...

    Authors: Jens C Möller, Martina Kohl, Irwin Reiss, Wiebke Diederich, Esther M Nitsche, Wolfgang Göpel and Ludwig Gortner
    Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:19
  7. Increased serum levels of procalcitonin (ProCT) and its componentpeptides have been reported in humans with sepsis. Using a hamster model ofbacterial peritonitis, we investigated whether serum ProCT levels are...

    Authors: Paul M Steinwald, Kevin T Whang, Kenneth L Becker, Richard H Snider, Eric S Nylen and Jon C White
    Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:11
  8. Nitric oxide (NO) is a very reactive agent with potentially toxicoxidation products such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Therefore, duringNO inhalation a constant inspired concentration and accurate measurement of NOa...

    Authors: Ralf Kuhlen, Thilo Busch, Martin Max, Matthias Reyle-Hahn, Konrad J Falke and Rolf Rossaint
    Citation: Critical Care 1999 3:1