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Volume 9 Supplement 4

Re-establishing organ function in severe sepsis: targeting the microcirculation


Edited by Jean-François Dhainaut

Supported by an educational grant from Eli Lilly and Company

Re-establishing organ function in severe sepsis: targeting the microcirculation.

Brussels, Belgium21 March 2005

  1. It has been hypothesized that the protein C pathway is a pivotal link between the inflammation and coagulation cascades. The demonstration that a survival benefit is associated with administration of drotrecog...

    Authors: William L Macias, SBetty Yan, Mark D Williams, Suzane L Um, George E Sandusky, Darryl W Ballard and Jean-Michel S Planquois
    Citation: Critical Care 2005 9(Suppl 4):S38
  2. This review examines experimental evidence that the microvascular dysfunction that occurs early in sepsis is the critical first stage in tissue hypoxia and organ failure. A functional microvasculature maintain...

    Authors: Christopher G Ellis, Justin Jagger and Michael Sharpe
    Citation: Critical Care 2005 9(Suppl 4):S3
  3. Regional tissue distress caused by microcirculatory dysfunction and mitochondrial depression underlies the condition in sepsis and shock where, despite correction of systemic oxygen delivery variables, regiona...

    Authors: Can Ince
    Citation: Critical Care 2005 9(Suppl 4):S13
  4. Experimental studies in ischemia–reperfusion and sepsis indicate that activated protein C (APC) has direct anti-inflammatory effects at a cellular level. In vivo, however, the mechanisms of action have not been c...

    Authors: Johannes N Hoffmann, Brigitte Vollmar, Matthias W Laschke, Jan M Fertmann, Karl-Walter Jauch and Michael D Menger
    Citation: Critical Care 2005 9(Suppl 4):S33