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Table 4 Potential means to reduce ICU-acquired infection in sedated patients

From: Intensive care unit-acquired infection as a side effect of sedation


First author [Reference]

Year of publication/country

Study design/Number of patients

Main results*

Daily interruption of sedation

Kress [127]


Randomized controlled/128

Shorter duration of MV

(median 4.9 vs 7.3 d, P = 0.004)

Daily interruption of sedation, and ventilator weaning protocol

Girard [128]


Randomized controlled/336

Higher number of MV-free days (14.7 vs 11.6 days; P = 0.02)

Shorter mean duration of ICU stay (9.1 vs 12.9 days; P = 0.01)

Reduced ICU mortality

(HR 0.68, 95% CI 0.5 to 0.92; P = 0.01)

Daily interruption of sedation, and early physical therapy

Schweickert [129]


Randomized controlled/104

Higher number of MV-free days

(23 vs 21 days, P = 0.05)

Higher rate of hospital discharge (59% vs 35%, P = 0.02)

Expanded ventilator bundle, including daily interruption of sedation

Papadimos [130]


Before-after cohort/2968

Reduced incidence rate of VAP

(7.3 vs 19.3/1000 MV-days, P = 0.028)


Blamoun [131]


Before-after cohort/NR

Reduced incidence rate of VAP

(0 vs 12/1000 MV-days, P = 0.0006)


Resar [132]

2005/USA and Canada

Before-after cohort/NR

Reduced incidence rate of VAP

(2.7 vs 6.6/1000 MV-days)


Berriel-Cass [133]


Before-after cohort/NR

Reduced incidence rate of VAP

(3.3 vs 8.2/1000 MV-days)


Youngquist [134]


Before-after cohort/NR

Reduced incidence rate of VAP

(2.7 vs 6; and 0 vs 2.6/1000 MV-days)


Unahalekhaka [135]


Before-after cohort/NR

Reduced incidence rate of VAP

(8.3 vs 13.3/1000 MV-days)

Nurse-implemented sedation protocol

Brook [137]


Randomized controlled/321

Shorter duration of MV

(55.9 vs 117.0 hours, P = 0.008)

Shorter length of ICU stay

(5.7 ± 5.9 vs. 7.5 ± 6.5 days; P = 0.013)


Arias-Rivera [138]


Before-after cohort/356

Increased rate of successful extubation (P = 0.002)


Quenot [142]


Before-after cohort/423

Reduced incidence of VAP

(6 vs 15%, P = 0.005)

Shorter duration of MV

(4.2 vs 8 days, P = 0.001)

  1. *intervention group compared with control group, respectively.
  2. CI: confidence interval; HR: hazard ratio; ICU: intensive care unit; MV: mechanical ventilation; NR: not reported; VAP: ventilator-associated pneumonia;