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Table 3 Multivariate analysis of predictors for cluster assignment

From: Trajectories of post-traumatic stress in sepsis survivors two years after ICU discharge: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial


Effects on risk of belonging to a cluster (odds ratios with 95% confidence interval)

Significance of predictor (P-value)

Stable low (reference)

Increasing (vs. reference)

Recovering (vs. reference)

Intervention group


0.33 (0.15, 0.75)

1.44 (0.54, 3.86)


Female sex


2.45 (1.11, 5.41)

0.69 (0.23, 2.05)


Number of Traumatic memories of the ICU > 2 at one month


4.04 (1.63, 10)

0.72 (0.24, 2.16)


Severity of post-traumatic symptoms at one month (PTSS-10 sum score)


0.93 (0.89, 0.98)

1.1 (1.05, 1.16)

 ≤ 0.001

  1. Results of multinomial log-linear model including all presented predictors. Model is based on N = 175 cases with complete data. Nagelkerke’s R2 of the model was 0.28. P-values obtained by likelihood ratio tests. ICU: intensive care unit. PTSS-10: Post-traumatic Symptoms Scale. P-values set in boldface indicate statistical significance