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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of experts

From: Interventions to promote cost-effectiveness in adult intensive care units: consensus statement and considerations for best practice from a multidisciplinary and multinational eDelphi study

Panel composition (n = 61)

Physicians (n = 50, 82%), Nurses (n = 5, 8%), Medical Administrators (n = 3, 5%), and Allied health—respiratory therapists and pharmacists (n = 3, 5%)

Country category, according to GNI per capita

Low- and middle-income countries (n = 26, 43%)

High-income countries (n = 35, 57%)


Low and Low-middle-income countries

n = 17—India

n = 1—Bangladesh

n = 1—Egypt

n = 1—Nepal

n = 1—Philippines

n = 1—Sri Lanka

Upper middle-income countries

n = 2—Malaysia

n = 1—Thailand

n = 1—Turkiye

n = 8—Singapore

n = 8—USA

n = 5—UK

n = 3—Australia

n = 2—Dubai

n = 2—Italy

n = 2—Portugal

n = 1—France

n = 1—Greece

n = 1—Japan

n = 1—New Zealand n = 1—South Korea

Experts who responded in round 3 (n = 30)

Physicians (n = 28, 93.3%), Nurses (n = 2, 6.7%)


Low- and middle-income countries (n = 12, 40%)

High-income countries (n = 18, 60%)


n = 9—India

n = 1—Nepal

n = 1—Sri Lanka

n = 1—Turkiye

n = 4—UK

n = 5—USA

n = 2—Singapore

n = 2—Australia

n = 2—Italy

n = 1—Dubai

n = 1—New Zealand n = 1—South Korea

Steering committee (n = 13)

n = 4—India


n = 3—USA

n = 2—Singapore n = 2—UK

n = 1—Australia

n = 1—Italy