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Table 4 Summary of sound data for bedspaces 1, 2, and 3. dBA; A-weighted decibel, Range; minimum–maximum, SD; standard deviation

From: Evaluation of the sensory environment in a large tertiary ICU


Bedspace 1

Bedspace 2

Bedspace 3

Mean sound levels [SD, range] (dBA)

63.75 [3.67, 56.40–86.40]

56.80 [6.16, 41.70–83.80]

59.71 [6.07, 40.30–81.30]

Mean sound levels—daytime [SD, range] (dBA)

64.33 [3.61, 56.40–86.40]

59.52 [4.98, 42.50–83.80]

62.48 [4.26, 43.50–81.30]

Mean sound levels—night-time [SD, range] (dBA)

62.58 [3.50, 57.10–79.60]

51.35 [4.46, 41.70–76.40]

54.17 [5.28, 40.30–77.30]

Highest recorded peak max sound level (dBA)




Mean hourly acoustic interruptions > 17 dBA [SD, range] (count)

1.28 [1.72, 0–11]

3.65 [2.66, 0–17]

4.25 [3.19, 0–24]

Mean hourly acoustic interruptions > 17 dBA—daytime [SD, range] (count)

1.53 [1.83, 0–11]

3.41 [2.52, 0–17]

3.45 [2.57, 0–16]

Mean hourly acoustic interruptions > 17 dBA—night [SD, range] (count)

0.77 [1.37, 0–9]

4.13 [2.84, 0–14]

5.85 [3.67, 0–24]

Mean hourly peak counts > 80 dBA [SD, range] (count)

7.74 [8.62, 0–47]

3.30 [4.24, 0–26]

6.29 [6.10, 0–36]

Mean hourly peak counts > 80 dBA—daytime [SD, range] (count)

9.48 [8.39, 0–37]

4.56 [4.58, 0–26]

8.37 [6.07, 0–36]

Mean hourly peak counts > 80 dBA—night-time [SD, range] (count)

4.24 [7.98, 0–47]

0.76 [1.48, 0–11]

2.11 [3.44, 0–24]

  1. Acoustic interruptions: the difference between background sound levels (averaged over a one-minute period) and short, high sound spikes; Mean sound levels: LAeq1min = continuous A-weighted sound pressure level (SPL) values averaged over 1 min; Peak max sound levels: LAFmax = the maximum sound level with 'A' frequency weighting and fast time weighting
  2. Bedspace 1: single room, bedspace 2: open-plan bedspace furthest from nurses’ station and unit entrance, and bedspace 3: open-plan bedspace closest to nurses’ station and unit entrance