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Table 2 Descriptive Statistic for sepsis knowledge and the ability to recognize sepsis as an emergency

From: Most patients with an increased risk for sepsis-related morbidity or death do not recognize sepsis as a medical emergency: results of a survey study using case vignettes


Solved correctly by n (%) participants


Mean ± SD

Meanscore (% correctly solved items)

Mean ± SD

Sepsis knowledge (36 items)


15.88 ± 7.25

44.1 ± 20.1

Definition & Epidemiology (12 items)


5.60 ± 2.70

46.7 ± 22.5

Please decide whether the following statements regarding sepsis are true!

 Sepsis is a serious allergic reaction. (F)

336 (45.4)


 Sepsis is primarily caused by killer germs in the hospital. (F)

427 (57.7)


 Sepsis is a serious defensive reaction of the body to an infection. (T)

562 (75.9)


 Sepsis can be caused by pneumonia. (T)

187 (25.3)


 Sepsis can be caused by influenza. (T)

132 (17.8)


 Sepsis can be caused by COVID-19. (T)

150 (20.3)


 Sepsis can be caused by the spread of pathogens in the bloodstream. (T)

650 (87.8)


 Breast cancer is more common than sepsis. (F)

144 (19.5)


 More people die from heart attacks than from sepsis. (T)

75 (10.1)


 Sepsis leads to failure of vital organs, which is why sepsis patients are often treated in the intensive care unit. (T)

555 (75.0)


 Long-lasting sequelae such as chronic fatigue, kidney failure or pain are common after sepsis. (T)

311 (42.0)


 Without immediate medical treatment, the risk of dying from sepsis increases. (T)

617 (83.4)


General prevention (3 items)


1.93 ± 0.90

64.3 ± 29.8

Please decide whether the following statements regarding sepsis are true!

 Some of the most common infections that cause sepsis can be prevented by vaccination. (T)

228 (30.8)


 Some types of sepsis can be prevented by wound and hand hygiene. (T)

564 (76.2)


 Timely response to an infection can prevent it from developing into sepsis. (T)

634 (85.7)


Symptoms (7 items)


3.51 ± 2.08

50.1 ± 29.7

Which of the following features increase the risk of developing sepsis?

 High heart rate (T)

441 (59.6)


 Weakness in one arm or leg (F)

185 (25.0)


 Confusion or disorientation (T)

358 (48.4)


 Fever, shivering, or severe chills (T)

573 (77.4)


 Shortness of breath (T)

268 (36.2)


 Chest pain radiating to the left arm or shoulder (F)

301 (40.7)


 Extreme pain or extreme discomfort (T)

471 (63.6)


Risk factors (7 items)


3.10 ± 1.71

44.3 ± 24.5

Which of the following are common warning signs of sepsis?

 Age 65 years or older (T)

346 (46.8)


 Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the blood vessels) (F)

178 (24.1)


 Smoking (T)

205 (27.7)


 Chronic diseases such as diabetes, lung diseases, cancer, kidney diseases (T)

457 (61.8)


 Weakened immune system (T)

590 (79.7)


 Veganism (pure vegetable diet) (F)

380 (51.4)


 Age younger than one year in children (T)

136 (18.4)


Sepsis-specific Vaccination (7 items)


1.74 ± 2.05

24.9 ± 29.3

Do the following vaccinations protect against sepsis or reduce the risk of severe sepsis?

 Vaccination against human papillomaviruses (viruses that can cause benign and malignant tumours). (F)

252 (34.1)


 Vaccination against influenza viruses (T)

146 (19.7)


 Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae B (bacteria that can cause meningitis or pneumonia) (T)

215 (29.1)


 Vaccination against pneumococcus (bacteria that can cause pneumonia, for example) (T)

207 (28.0)


 Vaccination against meningococci (bacteria which can cause, e.g. meningitis) (T)

180 (24.3)


 Vaccination against borreliosis (bacteria transmitted by ticks) (F)

132 (17.8)


 Vaccination against the Corona virus (Covid-19) (T)

158 (21.4)


Ability to recognize sepsis as an emergency (overall)b


1.33 ± 1.27

26.6 ± 25.5

What would you do in the following situations or what should your loved ones do for you?

 I have the flu, feel increasingly worse and have very difficulty breathing (shortness of breath)

107 (14.5)


 The pain in the kidney area is so severe that I can hardly move. In addition, I have chills and a burning sensation when urinating

207 (28.0)


 Yesterday, I cut myself with a knife. Today, the wound looks red and inflamed. I feel very sick, weak, and can hardly leave the bed

168 (22.7)


 I have had a cough and fever for two days. Since today, I am confused and can no longer orient myself in my own living environment

368 (49.7)


 Sometime after a cat bite in the garden, I feel intense pain, am feverish, and have chills

132 (17.8)

  1. Missing proportion of all reported variables is less than 5%. Correct answers for the knowledge items in brackets with F = False and T = True
  2. a Sepsis knowledge was measured by items using the answer categories “yes”, “no”, “unknown”; items were dichotomized to represent the correct answer with 1, incorrect answer or unknown with 0; For domains the sumscore and the meanscore were calculated as the sum and mean of dichotomized items
  3. b Ability to recognize sepsis as an emergency was calculated based on dichotomized sepsis-related urgency ratings with 1 representing “Call the emergency services or go to the emergency room immediately” and 0 representing the other categories; the domain was calculated as the sum of the respective dichotomized items