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Table 3 Comparison of intracranial pressure (ICP)-derived metrics between patients with and without midline shift/mass lesions

From: Relationship between the shape of intracranial pressure pulse waveform and computed tomography characteristics in patients after traumatic brain injury


Midline shift

Mass lesions

Absent n = 103

Present n = 27

p value

Absent n = 90

Present n = 40

p value

Mean ICP [mm Hg]

12.2 [9.4–15.8]

13.5 [11.4–17.1]


12.2 [9.1–15.6]

13.3 [10.7–16.8]


AmpICP [mm Hg]

8.6 [6.7–10.5]

8.9 [6.8–10.8]


8.4 [6.6–10.4]

9.4 [7.2–11.5]


PSI [a.u.]

1.8 [1.2–2.4]

2.5 [1.9–3.4]

< 0.001

1.8 [1.1–2.3]

2.4 [1.9–3.1]

<< 0.001

  1. Data are presented as median [first–third quartile] with Mann–Whitney U test p value
  2. AmpICP peak-to-peak pulse amplitude of ICP, PSI pulse shape index, a.u. arbitrary units, n number of patients, n.s. result not statistically significant