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Table 1 General characteristics of the study population

From: Diagnostic, prognostic and clinical value of left ventricular radial strain to identify paradoxical septal motion in ventilated patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome: an observational prospective multicenter study


n = 182a



121 (66%)

Age (years)

67 (60, 72)

Body mass index (kg/m2)

30 (26, 35)

Simplified acute physiology score II

35 (29, 40)



21 (12%)


18 (10%)


2 (1%)

 Left ventricular ejection fraction < 35%

0 (0%)


105 (58%)

 Chronic respiratory disease

12 (6%)

 Chronic renal failure

14 (8%)

Parameters on the time of the first echocardiographic assessment

 Hemodynamic parameters


  Heart rate (bpm)

82 (68, 104)

  Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

128 (110, 153)

  Mean blood pressure (mmHg)

88 (76, 103)

  Central venous pressure (mmHg)

9 (8, 11)

 Respiratory parameters


  Tidal volume (ml/kg)

6.6 (6.0, 7.2)

  Positive end-expiratory pressure (cmH2O)

12 (10, 14)

  Plateau pressure (cmH2O)

25 (22, 26)




7.37 (7.30, 7.43)

  PaO2/FiO2 (mmHg)

112 (87, 162)

  PaCO2 (mmHg)

44 (38, 52)

  Bicarbonates (mmol/L)

25 (23, 27)

  Creatinin (µmol/L)

68 (56, 87)

  BUN (mmol/L)

6 (5, 9)

  Total bilirubin (µmol/L)

7 (5, 11)

  Troponin (ng/L)

20 (14, 41)

  Lactates (mmol/L)

1.4 (1.1, 1.8)

  White blood Cells (G/L)

10 (7, 12)

  Hemoglobin (g/dL)

12(11, 13)

  Platelets (G/L)

245 (183, 303)

  International normalized ratio

1.12 (1.06, 1.20)

  Prothrombin time (%)

85 (76, 92)




17 (9%)

  Prone positioning

65 (35%)

  Inhaled nitric oxyde

0 (0%)

  Renal replacement therapy

1 (0.5%)

 Sequential organ failure assessment

4 (3, 5)

Intensive care unit mortality

56 (31%)

  1. an (%); Median (IQR)