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Table 1 Definitions of the types of asynchronies

From: Impact on the ability of healthcare professionals to correctly identify patient-ventilator asynchronies of the simultaneous visualization of estimated muscle pressure curves on the ventilator display: a randomized study (Pmus study)

Types of asynchronies



Two ventilator cycles triggered by a single effort

Ineffective effort

Presence of effort (Pmus) without ventilator triggering

Premature cycling

Inspiratory time too short compared to the patient, defined as cycling to the expiratory phase before peak Pmus

Delayed cycling

Inspiratory time too long in relation to the patient: defined as cycling to the expiratory phase after the end of the effort (Pmus)

Reverse triggering

Pmus follows the controlled (or auto-triggered) cycle with a fixed frequency and delay. May or may not generate double cycle

Reverse triggering with double cycling

Pmus follows the controlled (or auto-triggered) cycle with a fixed frequency and delay. May or may not generate double cycle


Nonpatient effort (Pmus) with ventilator triggering

  1. Pmus inspiratory muscle pressure