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Fig. 3 | Critical Care

Fig. 3

From: Altered intestinal microbiome and metabolome correspond to the clinical outcome of sepsis

Fig. 3

Differential gut metabolites of the sepsis patient cohort and their correlations with the microbiota. A Volcano plot showing the differential metabolites between sepsis patients and HCs. Green and red dots represent depleted and enriched metabolites, respectively, with the red line denoting a cut-off p value of < 0.05. B PCA of the stool samples from sepsis patients and HCs, plotted in positive-ion mode. C Bubble diagram illustrating the KEGG enrichment analysis. The size of each bubble represents the number of metabolites enriched in the pathway, and the color gradient indicates the significance of enrichment. Comparisons between the sepsis patients and HCs were observed after age matching (n = 15 per group). D Spearman’s correlation heatmap showing the test results for differential species in OTU level (LDA > 3.0) and sepsis-related metabolites among fecal samples in the derivation group (n = 25). Different colors indicate correlation level; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. The 10 metabolites highlighted on the right were the most reliably correlated with microbial taxa after confirmation in the validation group

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