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Fig. 3 | Critical Care

Fig. 3

From: Clustering of critically ill patients using an individualized learning approach enables dose optimization of mobilization in the ICU

Fig. 3

Synthetic figure summarizing the main findings. The bar charts show the number of patients in each maximum achieved SOMS level according to their discharge disposition. The percentages below the columns show the frequency of patients discharged home of each SOMS level. Numbers are presented as n (%) or median [IQR]. Early mobilization is defined as mobilization within the first 72 h after ICU admission. The reference for early mobilization is “No Early Mobilization,” the reference for maximum SOMS level achieved is “0/1″. aModel was corrected for “Hospital admission,” “Body Mass Index (categories),” “Clinical Frailty Scale,” “Other ICU admission reasons,” “Postoperative care” and “SOFA.” bModel was corrected for “Hospital admission,” “APACHE,” “Body Mass Index (categories),” “Charlson Comorbidity Index,” “Clinical Frailty Scale,” “Other ICU admission reasons” and “SOFA.” cModel was corrected for “Hospital admission,” “Age (categories),” “APACHE,” “Mobility-Transfer-Barthel” and “Department.” dModel was corrected for “Clinical Frailty Scale” and “Postoperative care.” ICU Intensive care unit, IQR Interquartile range, SOMS-Score Surgical Intensive Care Unit Optimal Mobilization Score [18,19,20]

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