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Table 2 Primary and secondary outcomes

From: Non-interventional follow-up versus fluid bolus in RESPONSE to oliguria in hemodynamically stable critically ill patients: a randomized controlled pilot trial


Follow-up group, n = 63

Fluid bolus group, n = 67

Follow-up group vs Fluid bolus group (95% CI)

P valuec

Primary outcome

Number of patients with doubled urine output (%)

10 (15.9)

22 (32.9)

0.49* (0.23–0.71)


Secondary outcomes

Change in individual urine output, median [IQR], mL

− 7 [− 19 to 17]

19 [0–53]

− 23** (− 36 to − 10)


Duration of consecutive oliguria, median [IQR], hoursa

4 [2–8]

2 [0–6]

2** (0–4)


Cumulative fluid balance 6 h post-randomization, median [IQR], mLb

678 [518–1029]

1071 [822–1505]

-387** (− 635 to − 213)

< 0.001

  1. Data included from all 130 patients
  2. *Risk ratio
  3. **Median difference
  4. aUrine output < 0.5 mL/kg/h, data collected to 30d post-randomization or ICU discharge if earlier
  5. bIncluding fluid input and urine output
  6. cAdjusted (sepsis and acute kidney injury) median difference or risk ratio with 95% CIs