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Table 1 Perils that ensue upon making a diagnosis of ARDS

From: ARDS: hidden perils of an overburdened diagnosis

Protocol mandate

Physiologic consequences

Clinical problems

Prescription of tidal volume 6 ml/kg in all patients, irrespective of plateau pressure

Severe air hunger ensues when delivered tidal volume does not match heightened stimulation of sensory receptors

Sedatives, opiates, and paralytic agents do not allay air hunger but contribute to complications

If mechanical inspiratory time is shorter than neural inspiratory time, double triggering is inevitable

Despite adjusting a ventilator to deliver 6 ml/kg, the patient actually receives 12 ml/kg

Fixed PEEP options

Constraints imposed by use of PEEP-FIO2 table

If FIO2 is 0.60: patient got either PEEP 10 or 20 cm H2O with no other options

If FIO2 is 0.80: patient got either PEEP 14 or 22 cm H2O with no other options