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Fig. 4 | Critical Care

Fig. 4

From: Association between age and the host response in critically ill patients with sepsis

Fig. 4

Module-module and module-trait associations. A Results of the Wilcoxson rank-test comparing the Module Eigengene (ME), defined as the first principal component of that module, between patients < 50 and ≥ 70 years. P values were multiple testing corrected using the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure. B Barplot of mean gene significance across modules. Higher gene significance in a module resembles a more substantial relationship of the module with a change in age decade. C Hierarchical clustering of module eigengenes and the ≥ 70 age decade. The cluster tree shows that the ≥ 70 age decade is related to the blue and the purple cluster. D Heatmap of the adjacencies in the eigengene network showing the module-module and module-trait (age decade ≥ 70) relationships. Modules are labelled by their corresponding colour. Red colours indicate high adjacency (positive correlation), blue colours indicate low adjacency (negative correlation)

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