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Fig. 1 | Critical Care

Fig. 1

From: Optimal PEEP with lowest (least injurious) transpulmonary driving pressure can be determined by a rapid two-PEEP-step procedure without esophageal pressure

Fig. 1

Left panel: Lung P/V curves of patients 1 and 3 with overall lung compliance of 25 and 61 ml/cmH2O respectively. Overall lung compliance was calculated as end-inspiratory lung volume at the highest PEEP level (12 cmH2O) divided by end-inspiratory transpulmonary pressure at the highest PEEP level minus 6 cmH2O (lowest PEEP level). Circles with red filling: end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure (= PEEP). Circles without filling: end-inspiratory transpulmonary pressure. Magenta arrows: tidal lung P/V curves at optimal PEEP obtained by graphical plotting from the lung P/V curve. Data of optimal PEEP tidal volume in italics: VT = tidal volume, ΔPL = transpulmonary driving pressure, CL = lung compliance, PEEPopt = optimal PEEP level, PLplat = end-inspiratory transpulmonary pressure. Right panel: Light gray lung P/V curves of patients 1 and 3 can be used as clinical decision support as a tidal lung P/V curve with any combination of PEEP and VT will be positioned on the complete lung P/V curve. This makes it possible to estimate the effect of changes in PEEP and tidal volume. In this case, the tidal lung P/V curves (black arrows) are depicted starting from PEEP 12 cmH2O. In patient 3 with a moderately decreased overall lung compliance to 61 ml/cmH2O (“normal” lung compliance 90–110 ml/cmH2O [3]), transpulmonary driving pressure increases marginally and remains within safe limit, i.e., the patient responds favorably to PEEP. In patient 1, an increase in PEEP to 12 cmH2O results in a ΔPL 40% higher almost 13 cmH2O than at PEEP 9 cmH2O with significant risk of ventilation induced lung injury

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