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Fig. 6 | Critical Care

Fig. 6

From: Sepsis subphenotyping based on organ dysfunction trajectory

Fig. 6

SHAP value-based predictor contribution to the subphenotype prediction of the predictive model in development cohort. Features’ importance is ranked based on SHAP values. In this figure, each point represented a single observation. The horizontal location showed whether the effect of that value was associated with a positive (a SHAP value greater than 0) or negative (a SHAP value less than 0) impact on prediction. Color showed whether the original value of that variable was high (in red) or low (in blue) for that observation. For example, in RW, a low platelets value had a positive impact on the RW subphenotype prediction; the “low” came from the blue color, and the “positive” impact was shown on the horizontal axis. DI: Delayed Improving; RI: Rapidly Improving; DW: Delayed Worsening; RW: Rapidly Worsening

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