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Table 2 Derived parameters in the Dutch Data Warehouse

From: The Dutch Data Warehouse, a multicenter and full-admission electronic health records database for critically ill COVID-19 patients





Basophils percentage

Basophils divided by leukocytes

1 h


Body mass index

Height divided by weight squared


A measurement is added for each measurement of weight, using the latest available height for the patient

Driving pressure

Plateau pressure minus peep

8 h/1 h


Driving pressure

Tidal volume divided by lung compliance static

1 h


Eosinophils percentage

Eosinophils divided by leukocytes

1 h


Glasgow coma scale total

Glasgow coma scale eye plus Glasgow coma scale motor plus Glasgow coma scale verbal

1 h


Inspiratory expiratory ratio

Inspiratory time divided by expiratory time

1 h


Lung compliance dynamic

Tidal volume divided by (peak pressure minus peep)

1 h


Lung compliance static

Tidal volume divided by (plateau pressure minus peep)

1 h/8 h/1 h


Lung compliance static

Tidal volume divided by pressure above peep

1 h


Lymphocytes percentage

Lymphocytes divided by leukocytes

1 h


Mechanical power per kg

Mechanical power divided by ideal body weight


Ideal body weight is calculated from the patient's gender and height

Mechanical power

(0.098 × respiratory rate measured ventilator times tidal volume times (peak pressure minus (driving pressure × 0.5)) × 0.001

1 h


Mechanical power

(0.098 × respiratory rate measured ventilator times tidal volume times (peak pressure plus peep) × 0.001

1 h


Minute volume derived

(tidal volume times respiratory rate measured) × 0.001

1 h


Monocytes percentage

Monocytes divided by leukocytes

1 h


Neutrophils percentage

Neutrophils divided by leukocytes

1 h


Pao2 over fio2

po2 arterial divided by fio2

8 h/1 h

Measurements of ‘fio2’ within 8 h *before* ‘po2’ are given priority over those measured within 1 h afterwards

Pco2 minus end tidal co2

pco2 arterial minus end tidal co2

8 h

Measurements of ‘end tidal co2’ within 1 h *before* `pco2` are given priority over those measured afterwards

Physiological dead space

pco2 minus end tidal co2 minus pco2 arterial

8 h

Measurements of ‘pco2 arterial’ within 8 h *before* ‘pco2 minus end tidal co2’ are given priority over those measured within 8 h afterwards

Plateau pressure

Driving pressure minus peep

8 h/1 h


Po2 unspecified over fio2

po2 unspecified divided by fio2

8 h/1 h

Measurements of ‘fio2’ within 8 h *before* ‘po2’ are given priority over those measured within 1 h afterwards

Rapid shallow breathing index

(Respiratory rate set divided by tidal volume) × 1000

1 h


Respiratory rate difference

Respiratory rate measured ventilator minus respiratory rate set

1 h


Tidal volume per kg

Tidal volume divided by ideal body weight


Ideal body weight is calculated from the patient's gender and height

Ureum over creatinine

Ureum minus creatinine

1 h


Ventilatory ratio

(minute volume times pco2 arterial) divided by (ideal body weight × 100 × 37.5)

1 h

Ideal body weight is calculated from the patient's gender and height

  1. Overview of all derived parameters and their calculation in the data warehouse. The tolerance gives the hours that two measurements may be apart. In case multiple observations are found in that time window, the slash indicates the hierarchy. i.e., 1 h/8 h/1 h means observations are included 1 h before, otherwise 8 h before, or lastly 1 h after the other measurement