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Table 1 Baseline characteristics per treatment group (safety population)

From: Efficacy, immunogenicity, and safety of IC43 recombinant Pseudomonas aeruginosa vaccine in mechanically ventilated intensive care patients—a randomized clinical trial


IC43 100 μg (n = 393)No. (%)

Placebo (n = 403)No. (%)

Total (N = 796)No. (%)

Age, mean, years (min/max)

61.8 (18/86a)

62.0 (18/80)

61.9 (18/86)

Sex, no. (%)


264 (67.2)

269 (66.7)

533 (67.0)


129 (32.8)

134 (33.3)

263 (33.0)





Ethnicity, no. (%)


387 (98.5)

395 (98.0)

782 (98.2)


1 (0.3)

1 (0.2)

2 (0.3)


4 (1.0)

5 (1.2)

9 (1.1)


1 (0.3)

2 (0.5)

3 (0.4)

 SOFA score, mean (±SD)

8.1 (± 2.9)

8.3 (± 2.8)

8.2 (± 2.8)

 APACHE II score, mean (±SD)

18.7 (± 7.2)

19.8 (± 7.9)

19.2 (± 7.6)

Medical history (reported events > 15%), no. (%)


220 (56.0)

225 (55.8)

445 (55.9)


160 (40.7)

162 (40.2)

322 (40.5)

 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

92 (23.4)

105 (26.1)

197 (24.7)

 Respiratory failure

78 (19.8)

91 (22.6)

169 (21.2)

 Acute kidney injury

76 (19.3)

87 (21.6)

163 (20.5)

 Atrial fibrillation

72 (18.3)

82 (20.3)

154 (19.3)


71 (18.1)

69 (17.1)

140 (17.6)


70 (17.8)

52 (12.9)

122 (15.3)

 Diabetes mellitus

68 (17.3)

66 (16.4)

134 (16.8)

 Septic shock

63 (16.0)

72 (17.9)

135 (17.0)


59 (15.0)

72 (17.9)

131 (16.5)


57 (14.5)

69 (17.1)

126 (15.8)

Prior medicationb

 Antibacterials for systemic use

177 (45.0)

184 (45.7)

361 (45.4)

 Antidiarrheals, intestinal anti-inflammatories

16 (4.1)

12 (3.0)

28 (3.5)


7 (1.8)

8 (2.0)

15 (1.9)

  1. Abbreviations: BMI body mass index, ICU intensive care unit, Q quarter, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment
  2. aFive patients aged > 80 years were vaccinated; these constituted a major protocol deviation and were subsequently omitted from the per-protocol analysis
  3. bPatients are counted only once per Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical level 2 (World Health Organization Drug Dictionary Q4_2015).
  4. cIntent-to-treat population (IC43: n = 393; placebo: n = 406)