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Table 1 Immunonutrition in critically ill patients: clinical settings, outcomes, and research gaps

From: Therapeutic Potential of the Gut Microbiota in the Management of Sepsis

Clinical settings



Research gaps

Mechanically ventilated patients

Probiotics Synbiotics

Incidence of VAP

Choice of probiotics/synbiotics; dosing and route of administration VAP definition Adverse effects evaluation Paucity of data on the effect on MDR colonization

Elective surgery/ trauma

Probiotics Synbiotics

Incidence of postoperative/post-traumatic infections

Paucity of data on microbiota before surgery Choice of probiotics/synbiotics; dosing and route of administration Adverse effects evaluation

Pre-term infants

Probiotics Synbiotics

Incidence of sepsis Incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis

Impact of type of feeding (mother’s milk, donor milk, formula) Evaluation of impact of human milk oligosaccharides on microbiome Choice of single probiotic strain versus multiple strains To address the risk of probiotic-related sepsis and transmission of antibiotic resistance To address the risk of cross-colonization or cross-contamination

ICU patients

Probiotics Synbiotics

Incidence of new infections Mortality ICU length stay

Choice of probiotics/synbiotics; dosing and route of administration To address short- and long-term effects on gut microbiome To address candidate populations and timing of administration

  1. VAP ventilator-associated pneumonia, MDR multidrug resistant, ICU intensive care unit