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Table 2 Summary of studies using nonhuman primate models of COVID-19

From: Evidence of a wide gap between COVID-19 in humans and animal models: a systematic review

Species (ref)

Number age (gender)

Virus strain dose* (inoculation route)†

Clinical signs & observation duration (DPI) §

Viral replication‡ (DPI)

Pathology & sacrificing date (DPI)

Immune response

Seroconversion (DPI)

Outcome measures

Rhesus macaques

n = 8

SARS-CoV-2 nCoV-WA1–2020


Nose, oropharynx, lung


At 1 dpi only, significant increases in IL1ra, IL6, IL10, IL15, MCP-1, MIP-1b

IgG antibody anti-spike protein (10)

Pathogenesis of COVID-19


Weight loss

Rectum (1)

Mild to moderate, interstitial pneumonia,

Munster et al. (2020) [37]


4 ×  105 TCID50 (IT, IN, PO)

Dyspnea Tachypnea



Hyaline membranes formation

At 3 dpi decrease in TGFα

Reduced appetite

Hyperplasia type II pneumocytes

Hunched posture

Swollen mediastinal lymph nodes (3, 4, 21)

Pale appearance

Dehydration (21)

Rhesus macaques

n = 3


Weight loss

Nose, oropharynx, lung

Interstitial pneumonia

Decreased CD4+ T and CD8+ T cells in young and old.

IgG antibody anti- SARS-CoV-2 (14)

Pathogenesis of COVID-19 in aging animals

3–5 years



Rectum, alveolar epithelia


Yu et al. (2020) [38]

n = 2

1 ×  106 TCID50 (IT)

More severe in old than young (14)

Macrophages (3)


15 years (NA)‖


Higher replication in old than young

More severe in old than young (7)

Rhesus macaques

n = 4 per group (6 vaccinated groups)

DNA vaccine**

NA‖ (14)

Lowest BAL levels of viral RNA with full-length S protein encoding vaccine


Upregulation IFN-γ antipeptide spike proteins.

IgG antibody anti- SARS-CoV-2 (day14 post-vaccination)

Evaluation of candidate DNA vaccine

IM at week 0 and week 3

Yu et al. (2020) [39]

6–12 years (M/F)

1.1 × 104 PFU (IN and IT) (day 21 post-vaccine)


S1 and RBD lower response than other variant Spike proteins**

n = 10 sham control

1.1 × 104 PFU (IN and IT)


High BAL levels of viral RNA


Anamnestic humoral and cellular immune responses including IFN-γ ELISPOT responses


6–12 years (M/F)

Rhesus macaques

n = 6 vaccine

2.5 × 1010 ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (IM)

Tachypnea (3/6), dyspnea (2/6),

Nose, BAL (2/6)


Upregulation of IFN-γ (1)

IgG antibody anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (day 14 post-vaccination)

Evaluation of DNA vaccine


SARS-CoV-2 nCoV-WA1-2020

Ruffled fur (1/6) (7)

Lung (very low), oropharynx, mediastinal, duodenum (3)


2.6 × 106 TCID50 (IT, IN, PO, CJ) (day 28 post-vaccine)


No BAL subgenomic viral RNA


No difference in TNF-α, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 vaccine vs. control

Van Doremalen et al. (2020) [40]

n = 3 control`

Vaccinated with 2.5 × 1010 ChAdOx1 GFP (IM)

Tachypnea (3/3) Ruffled fur (2/3) Diarrhea (1/3) Pale appearance (1/3)

BAL, nasal swabs, lung, cervical, mediastinal lymph nodes, duodenum, urinary bladder

Interstitial pneumonia (2 of 3)

TNF-α, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10


Thickening of alveolar septae



Red nose (1/3)




SARS-CoV-2 nCoV-WA1-2020


BAL subgenomic viral RNA (3, 5)

Hyperplasia type I & II pneumocytes syncytial cells

2.6 × 106 TCID50 (IT, IN, PO, CJ) (day 28 post-vaccine)

No extra pulmonary injury

Rhesus macaques

n = 4 per vaccine group

PiCoVacc 6 Î¼g/dose (high) or 3 μg/dose (low) at 0, 7, and 14 days (IM)


Pharyngeal, anal, and pulmonary (3)

Mild and focal histopathological changes both lower lobes

No differences CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6 vaccine vs. control

IgG antibody anti-SARS-CoV-2 (day 14 post-vaccination)

Evaluation of an inactivated vaccine

3–4 years (M/F)


1 × 106 TCID50 (IT) (day 22 post-vaccine)

Gao et al. (2020) [41]

n = 4 control

Vaccinated with Al(OH)3 adjuvant (sham) or physiological saline (control) at 0, 7, and 14 days

NA (7)

Oropharynx, crissum, lung, rectum (3)

Severe interstitial pneumonia

CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6


3–4 years (M/F)



1 × 106 TCID50 (IT)

(22 days post-vaccine)

Rhesus macaques

n = 6

SARS-CoV-2 nCoV-WA1-2020

Dyspnea (1/6) (7)

Nose, oropharynx, lung (1)

Minimal interstitial pneumonia subpleural spaces (3/6) (7) (7)



Testing of antiviral therapy


Low BAL titers (1)


2.6 × 106 TCID50 (IT, IN, OC, PO)


No virus in BAL (3)

No extra pulmonary injury

Williamson, B.N. et al. (2020) [42]

n = 6 control

Vehicle solution

Tachypnea, dyspnea

Nose, oropharynx, lung, and BAL (1)

Multifocal, mild to moderate, interstitial pneumonia (7)




SARS-CoV-2 CoV-WA1–2020


No extra pulmonary injury

2.6 × 106 TCID50 (IT, IN, OC, PO)

Rhesus macaques

n = 9

SARS-CoV-2 USA-WA1/2020

Reduced appetite


Nose, pharynx, trachea, lung, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney, pneumocytes I & II, ciliated bronchial epithelial cells (1)

Acute interstitial pneumonia


IgG anti- SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein (35)

Immune protection after a second exposure


Lymphopenia (mild and transitory in high dose group)

6–12 years

initial inoculation



IFN-γ upregulation

1.1 × 106, n = 3

Multiple Inflammatory foci


1.1 × 105, n = 3

Hyaline membranes

1.1 × 104 PFU, n = 3

Damage to type I and type II pneumocytes

(IN, IT)

Necrotic bronchiolar epithelium

Bronchiolar epithelial syncytial cells

No extra pulmonary injury

Chandrashekar et al. (2020) [43]c

n = 9

SARS-CoV-2 USA-WA1/2020

No (14)

5 log10 reduction BAL & nasal viral loads (1)


Increased virus-specific Nab titers


Second inoculation


day 35 post-initial infection

6–12 years

1.1 × 106

1.1 × 105


1.1 × 104 PFU (IN, IT)

Rhesus macaques

n = 7



Nose, oropharynx, lung, gut, spinal cord, bladder, rectum (3)

Thickened alveolar septa

Increase CD4+ T cells

IgG antibody anti-SARS-CoV-2 (14)

Immune protection after a second exposure


Weight loss

Macrophages accumulation in alveoli Degeneration alveolar epithelia

3–5 years


Posture change


Inflammatory infiltrates (5, 7)


Initial inoculation

Rapid breathing


1 × 106 TCID50 (IT)

Reduced appetite (28)

Bao et al. (2020) [44]

(n = 4)


Transient temperature increase



No pathology (5)

CD4+ T higher at 7 day post-exposure vs. post-initial exposure

Higher IgG antibody anti-SARS-CoV-2 (14) vs. initial exposure


3–5 years



second inoculation day 28 post-initial infection

1 × 106 TCID50 (IT)

Rhesus macaques

(n = 5)

SARS-CoV-2 WH-09/hum/2020

weight loss (IT route) (21)

Nasal, oropharynx, rectum (IG route)

Interstitial pneumonia (IT route)


IgG anti-SARS-CoV-2 on 21 dpi (CJ route)

Viral infection routes

Conjunctival (CJ route)

Mild interstitial pneumonia (CJ route)

Deng, W. et al. (2020) [45]

3–5 years (M)

1 × 106 TCID50 (IT, CJ, IG)

Lung, ileum, caecum (IT) (1)

No pneumonia (IG route) (7)

Rhesus macaques

n = 4 young

SARS-CoV-2 CDC, Guangdong, China


Nose, oropharynx, trachea

Inflammatory cell infiltrates

Peak CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and monocytes (2)

IgG antibody anti-SARS-CoV-2 (4)

Pathogenesis of COVID-19 in different species of nonhuman primates

n = 6 adult

Weight loss (21)

Bronchus, lung, rectum

Diffuse hemorrhage and necrosis

n = 4 old

Blood, spleen (2)

Swollen lymph nodes (hilar, mediastinal, mesenteric)


4.75 × 106 PFU (IT, IN, CJ)


Pericardial effusion

Young stronger B cell responses vs. adults vs. old

IgG levels lower in young vs. adult vs. old


(50% given to young)


Mild hepatic steatosis

Increased G-CSF, IL-1A, IL-8, IL-15, IL-18, MCP-1, MIP-1B, sCD40-L


splenic hemorrhage (4, 7, 12, 13, 15)

Common Marmoset

n = 6



Nose, oropharynx, rectum

Broken pulmonary septum



CDC, Guangdong


Blood (2)

Inflammatory infiltrates

Age = NA (M/F)

1 × 106 PFU (IN)


Splenic hemorrhage

Swollen hepatocytes

Renal inflammatory infiltrate

Cynomolgus macaques

n = 6

SARS-CoV-2 CDC, Guangdong


Nose, oropharynx, trachea

Inflammatory cell infiltrates

CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and monocytes (2)

IgG antibody anti-SARS-CoV-2 (4)

Weight loss

Bronchus, lung, rectum

Diffuse hemorrhage and necrosis


4.75 × 106 PFU (IT, IN, PO)


Blood, spleen (2)

Swollen lymph nodes (hilar, mediastinal)

Young stronger B cell responses vs. adults vs. old

Hepatic steatosis

Lu et al. (2020) [46]



Splenic hemorrhage

Increased G-CSF, IL-1A, IL-8, IL-15, IL-18, MCP-1, MIP-1B, sCD40-L

Cynomolgus macaques

n = 4

SARS-Cov-2 BetaCoV/Munich/BavPat1/2020

serous nasal discharge (1/4 old monkey) (21)

Nose, oropharynx, lung

Foci pulmonary consolidation


IgG antibody anti-SARS-CoV-2 (14)

Comparisons of pathogenesis between COVID-19, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV

Pneumocytes I & II

Diffuse alveolar damage

4–5 y (F)


Ciliated nasal, bronchial & bronchiolar epithelial cells

Hyaline membrane

15–20 years (F)

2 × 105 TCID50 (IT, IN)


Multinucleated giant cells


Type I & II pneumocytes hyperplasia

Earlier detection in young (2) vs. old (4).

Alveolar edema


Leukocyte infiltration

Higher nasal replication in old vs. young


Rockx et al. (2020) [48]

n = 10



Nose, oropharynx, lung

Foci pulmonary consolidation


IgG antibody anti-MERS-CoV (21)

EMC strain, accession no. NC_019843


Pneumocytes II

Alveolar edema

3–5 years

106 TCID50


& rectal swabs (2)

Leukocyte infiltration

Type II pneumocytes hyperplasia


(IT, IN)





Nose, oropharynx, lung

Type I & II pneumocytes hyperplasia



Pneumocytes I & II

Alveolar edema (aged only)

Leukocyte infiltration

Hyaline membrane (aged only)

Cynomolgus macaques

n = 6


None (30)

Nose, eye, oropharynx, rectum (2)

CT scan: Ground glass appearance

Increased CXCL8, IL6, IL13, IL15, IL1RN, and TNF (6) in one macaque.

IgG antibody anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 subunit (10)

Evaluation of medical interventions

Reticulonodular opacities

Finch et al. (2020) [47]

4–4.5 years (M/F)

3.65 × 106 PFU (IT, IN)


Peri-bronchial thickening

Subpleural nodules

Alveolar dense consolidation (n = 1)

PET scan: FDG uptake lung and regional lymph nodes (2), mediastinal lymph nodes and spleen (6)

African green monkey

n = 6


Reduced appetite

Nasal, oropharynx, lung, rectum, pneumocytes I & II, alveolar macrophages (2)

Interstitial pneumonia

Increased CRP ¶ (n = 2)

IgG antibody against SARS-CoV-2 b (5)

Pathogenesis of COVID-19


Fever (31)

Woolsey et al. (2020) [49]


5 × 105 PFU (IT, IN)



IL-8, IP-10, IL-12, IL-6, IFN-beta, IL10, and MCP-1 (2)


Hyaline membrane

Hyperplasia type II pneumocytes

Distention and flaccidity small intestines segments


  1. *TCID50 Median Tissue Culture Infectious Dose at which 50% of the cells are infected, PFU plaque-forming unit, †IT intratracheal, IN intranasal, CJ intraconjunctival, OC ocular, IG intragastric, PO per oral. ‡ Viral replication: RNA copies (PCR), viral antigen (immunostaining), viral particles (electron microscopy). § dpi day post-inoculation, ¶ CRP C-reactive protein, || NA Not available. **Vaccine encoding spike protein variants: Full-length SARS-CoV-2 S protein, S.dCT Deletion of the cytoplasmic tail of SARS-CoV-2 S protein, S.dTM deletion of the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail reflecting the soluble ectodomain, S1 S1 domain with a fold on trimerization tag, RBD Receptor-binding domain with a fold on trimerization tag, S.dTM.PP a prefusion stabilized soluble ectodomain with deletion of the furin cleavage site, two proline mutations, and a fold on trimerization tag, IM Intramuscular