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Fig. 4 | Critical Care

Fig. 4

From: The effect of short-course antibiotics on the resistance profile of colonizing gut bacteria in the ICU: a prospective cohort study

Fig. 4

Within-individual changes in antimicrobial resistance genotype are shown stratified by receipt of antibiotics. Rows are organized by antibiotic classes and columns show data for individual genes (left panels) and then summary data (right panels): a 48 β-lactam resistance genes and b combined data across all 48 genes; c 2 vancomycin resistance genes (vanC and vanB) and d combined data across the 2 genes; and e 5 macrolide resistance genes and f combined data across the 5 genes. Data has been calculated based on the difference in PCR CT values from admission to 72 h (i.e., admission CT value minus 72-h CT value for each gene). The within-individual dCT values are displayed as raw data with an overlay of box-and-whisker plots. None of the differences was statistically significant, comparing dCT values for those who received antibiotics within the relevant category to those who did not (e.g., comparing dCT values for β-lactam antibiotics for patients who received β-lactam antibiotics versus patients who did not receive β-lactam antibiotics)

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