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Table 1 Patient demographics

From: Low-resolution pressure reactivity index and its derived optimal cerebral perfusion pressure in adult traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study


All patients

Number of patients


Age (years)

51 (33–64)


- Female (%)

48 (21%)

- Male (%)

176 (79%)

GCS total

6 (3–10)

GCS motor

4 (1–5)

Pupillary response

- Both reactive

150 (67%)

- One reactive

17 (8%)

- Both unreactive

39 (17%)

- Unknown

18 (8%)

ABP (mmHg)

83.6 (78.8–90.0)

ICP (mmHg)

12.6 (9.6–16.1)

CPP (mmHg)

71.6 (65.2–77.4)


0.027 (− 0.074–0.162)


− 0.049 (− 0.145–0.079)


3 (3–5)

Unfavorable outcome (%)

135 (60%)

Fatal outcome (%)

51 (23%)

  1. ABP arterial blood pressure, CPP cerebral perfusion pressure, GCS Glasgow Coma Scale, GOSE Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended, ICP intracranial pressure, LPRx long pressure reactivity index, PRx pressure reactivity index