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Table 1 Patient characteristics at study inclusion

From: Adaptive mechanical ventilation with automated minimization of mechanical power—a pilot randomized cross-over study

Gender male/female (n)


Age (years)

64 ± 11

Height (cm)

181 ± 9

Actual body weight (kg)

82 ± 13

Predicted body weight (kg)

74 ± 10

Duration of MV before study inclusion (days)

5 ± 3

PaO2/FiO2 (mmHg)

258 ± 91

PaCO2 (mmHg)

43 ± 6

Crs (ml/cmH2O)

55 ± 13

PEEP (cmH2O)

8 (8–10)

VT (ml/kg predicted body weight)

7.5 ± 0.8

RR (1/min)

15.3 ± 1.8

  1. Parametric data are presented as mean ± standard deviation; nonparametric data are presented as median (interquartile range). MV mechanical ventilation, PaO2/FiO2 ratio of arterial partial pressure of oxygen to inspired fraction of oxygen, PaCO2 arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide, Crs static respiratory system compliance, PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure, VT tidal volume, RR respiratory rate