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Table 1 Cases of healthcare complaints related to intensive care units and the general wards

From: Comparison of complaints to the intensive care units and those to the general wards: an analysis using the Healthcare Complaint Analysis Tool in an academic medical center in Taiwan


Complaints to the ICUs

(n = 343)

Complaints to the general wards

(n = 686)

p value

Source of the complaints

 Family member

326 (95.0%)

303 (44.2%)

<  0.001


11 (3.2%)

337 (49.1%)


 Other surrogate

1 (0.3%)

1 (0.1%)


 Hospital employee

1 (0.3%)

0 (0%)



0 (0%)

6 (0.9%)



4 (1.2%)

39 (5.7%)


Gender of the complainer


91 (26.5%)

235 (34.3%)

< 0.001


118 (34.4%)

317 (46.2%)



134 (39.1%)

134 (19.5%)


Complaint channel

 Opinion feedback sheet

205 (59.8%)

403 (58.7%)


 Phone call

68 (19.8%)

148 (21.6%)


 In person

32 (9.3%)

55 (8.0%)



30 (8.7%)

42 (6.1%)



5 (1.5%)

9 (1.3%)



2 (0.6%)

7 (1.0%)



1 (0.3%)

22 (3.2%)


Complained about ongoing problem


291 (84.8%)

419 (61.1%)

< 0.001


52 (15.2%)

267 (38.9%)

  1. N/A: Not available from the complaint database