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Table 1 Characteristics of patients with and without perioperative hyperchloremia (Cl ≥ 110 mmol·L− 1)

From: Hyperchloremia and postoperative acute kidney injury: a retrospective analysis of data from the surgical intensive care unit


Perioperative hyperchloremia (n = 1876, 23.5%)

No perioperative hyperchloremia (n = 6115, 76.5%)

P value

Preoperative characteristics

 Male sex

1091 (58.2%)

3636 (59.5%)


 Age, years

58.0 (15.7)

62.1 (15.6)


 Body mass index, kg m−2

23.5 (3.6)

23.6 (3.8)


 Surgery time, min

268.8 (150.9)

220.1 (147.6)


 ASA class




433 (23.1%)

975 (15.9%)



892 (47.5%)

3191 (52.2%)

   ≥ 3

551 (29.4%)

1949 (31.9%)


405 (21.6%)

1840 (30.1%)


 eGFR*a, mL·min− 1·1.73·m−2



   ≥ 90

841 (44.8%)

2596 (42.5%)



528 (28.1%)

1825 (29.8%)



310 (16.5%)

1029 (16.8%)


   < 30

197 (10.5%)

665 (10.9%)


Intraoperative characteristics

 Type of operation



  Non-cardiovascular surgery

1567 (83.5%)

4786 (78.3%)


  Cardiovascular surgery

309 (16.5%)

1329 (21.7%)


 Emergency surgery

329 (17.5%)

781 (12.8%)


 Intraoperative hypotensionb

455 (24.3%)

1659 (27.1%)


 Type of anesthesia



  General anesthesia

1823 (97.5%)

5474 (89.9%)


  Regional anesthesia

23 (1.2%)

278 (4.6%)


  Monitored anesthesia care

24 (1.3%)

335 (5.5%)


Patient management (PODs 0–3)

 NaCl 0.9% infused, mL kg−1

12.3 (13.2)

8.4 (9.5)


 NaCl 0.45% infused, mL kg− 1

6.5 (20.3)

2.9 (12.9)


 Balanced electrolyte solution infused, mL kg−1

41.9 (37.1)

49.7 (40.7)


 Free water containing dextrose, mL kg−1

47.2 (62.5)

59.3 (56.9)


 Hydroxyethyl starch infused, mL kg−1

22.1 (21.5)

13.4 (16.5)


 Intraoperative fluid balance, %c

1.8 (3.6)

1.7 (2.8)


 RRT (without RRT history)

51 (2.7%)

135 (2.2%)


 Use of inotropes/vasopressorsd

1635 (87.2%)

4286 (70.1%)


 Use of diureticse

1300 (69.3%)

3423 (56.0%)


 Use of radiocontrast

991 (52.8%)

1738 (28.4%)


 Use of nephrotoxic antibioticsf

377 (20.1%)

1147 (18.8%)


 Use of NSAIDs

754 (40.2%)

2194 (35.9%)


Postoperative laboratory (PODs 0–3) and clinical outcomes

 Maximum Cl, mmol/L*

112.3 (2.9)

104.8 (3.3)


 Increase in Cl, mmol/L**

5.6 (4.4)

3.5 (3.2)


 Postoperative metabolic acidosis (PODs 0–3)

262 (14.0%)

615 (10.1%)


 AKI occurrence

289 (15.4%)

898 (14.7%)


   AKI stage ≥ 2 occurrence

51 (2.7%)

135 (2.2%)


  1. Values are expressed as the mean (standard deviation) or number (percentage)
  2. ASA American Society of Anesthesiologists classification, eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate, RRT renal replacement therapy, POD postoperative day, NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; AKI, acute kidney injury
  3. *Laboratory values within 3 days after operation
  4. **The increase in Cl or serum sodium levels was calculated as the difference between the preoperative value and the maximum value noted during PODs 0–3
  5. aeGFR (mL·min− 1·1.73·m− 2) = 186 × (Creatinine)-1.154 × (Age)-0.203 (× 0.742 if female)
  6. bIntraoperative hypotension was defined as mean blood pressure < 60 mmHg for > 1 min
  7. cIntraoperative fluid balance (%) = {[Total input fluid (L) – Total output fluid (L)] × 100} × weight on admission− 1 (kg)
  8. dInotropes/vasopressors include norepinephrine, epinephrine, vasopressin, dobutamine, and dopamine
  9. eDiuretics include mannitol and furosemide
  10. fNephrotoxic antibiotics include aminoglycoside, cephalosporin, vancomycin, and sulfonamide