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Table 3 Clinical variables potentially associated with urinary cystatin C levels (n = 510)*

From: Subclinical acute kidney injury is associated with adverse outcomes in critically ill neonates and children


Initial urinary cystatin C

Peak urinary cystatin C

B coefficient (SE)

P value

B coefficient (SE)

P value

Age, months

0.160 (0.059)


0.159 (0.059)


Body weight, kg

-0.967 (0.185)


-1.174 (0.186)


Illness severitya, score

0.039 (0.006)


0.047 (0.006)


AKI stageb

0.234 (0.049)


0.223 (0.049)



0.327 (0.093)


0.368 (0.094)


Duration of MVc, days



0.013 (0.005)


  1. *Variables with a P value <0.1 (shown in Table 2) were entered into the stepwise multivariate linear regression analysis. Continuous variables were log-transformed
  2. MODS multi-organ dysfunction syndrome, MV mechanical ventilation, N/A not applicable
  3. aIllness severity was assessed by the score for neonatal acute physiology in critically ill neonates and the pediatric risk of mortality III score in critically ill children
  4. bDeveloped during the first week after ICU admission
  5. cAdministered or developed during ICU stay