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Table 2 Independent predictors of 28-day mortality in 2349 adults with community-onset bacteremia

From: Timing of appropriate empirical antimicrobial administration and outcome of adults with community-onset bacteremia


AOR (95% CI)

P value

Critical illness (Pitt bacteremia score ≥4) on arrival at the ED

8.77 (6.43–11.97)


Ultimately and rapidly fatal comorbidity (McCabe classification)

2.21 (1.48–2.92)


Polymicrobial bacteremia

2.00 (1.35–2.97)


ESBL-producing EKP bacteremia

6.00 (3.11–11.55)


Bacteremia source


2.08 (1.48–2.92)


 Urinary tract infection

0.46 (0.25–0.84)




1.81 (1.30–2.50)


 Liver cirrhosis

3.04 (1.19–3.97)


  1. AOR adjusted odds ratio, CI confidence interval, ED emergency department, ESBL extended-spectrum beta-lactamase, EKP Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, and Proteus mirabilis