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Table 3 (abstract P16). Clinical characteristics of septic patients with and without features of MAS

From: Sepsis 2016 Paris

Biochemical Profile


Septic Patients with MAS (n = 82)

Septic Patients without MAS (n = 82)

P value*

Ferritin, ng/ml, 0 hr mean (sd, median, range) [95 % CI]

1834.49 (3316.41, 482.00, 14.30-17,502.00) [1095.30, 2573.70]

444.65 (846.45, 213.90, 5.70-6536.00) [257.17, 632.12]


IL-18, pg/ml, 0 hr mean (sd, median, range) [95 % CI]

1582.68 (2273.23, 847.04, 123.61-15,214.01) [1079.20, 2086.20]

558.13 (499.23, 408.62, 159.84-3107.64) [446.86, 669.41]


IFN-γ, pg/ml, 0 hr mean (sd, median, range) [95 % CI]

115.29 (534.76, 12.28, 0.10-4704.60) [−3.15, 233.73]

27.62 (71.38, 0.10, 0.10-590.33) [11.71, 43.53]


IL-1β, pg/ml, 0 hr mean (sd, median, range) [95 % CI]

69.21 (176.85, 8.92, 0.08-928.70) [26.99, 111.42]

12.96 (29.25, 4.74, 0.08-183.43) [5.53, 20.38]



In-hospital mortality, %




90-day mortality, %




  1. *The p values represent a comparison between the patients with features of macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) and the patients without features of MAS. We used Fisher’s Exact test for categorical measures and the Mann–Whitney U test for continuous and non-normally distributed measures