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Fig. 3 | Critical Care

Fig. 3

From: Chronic impact of traumatic brain injury on outcome and quality of life: a narrative review

Fig. 3

Advanced diffusion imaging in a normal control subject (a–c) and a TBI patient (d–f). a, d Axial T2-weighted images at 0.7-mm isotropic resolution. b, e Fractional anisotropy and c, f mean diffusivity from diffusion tensor imaging. Cc corpus callosum, Cg cingulum, CR corona radiata, LV lateral ventricle. The color scheme indicates quantitative diffusion parameters (not direction of fibers). Processing included averaging of two acquisitions with opposite phase encoding direction acquisitions and eddy current correction plus motion correction using the Human Connectome Project pipeline which included FSL 5.0.6. (L. Holleran, JH Kim, and DL Brody, unpublished data)

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