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Table 3 Outcome measures across four time periods

From: Speaking valves in tracheostomised ICU patients weaning off mechanical ventilation - do they facilitate lung recruitment?


Baseline (1)

SV (2)

SV-talk (3)

Post SV (4)


96.5 (0.5)

95.5 (0.7)

94.7 (0.7)

96.0 (0.8)


25 (1.6)

22 (1.5)*

20 (1.7)*

25 (1.4)


95 (2.8)

95 (2.4)

96 (2.9)

96 (3.0)


29 (1.1)

27 (1.1)*

26 (1.2)*

28 (1.0)

EELI, mean

1082 (57)

1295 (61)*

1987 (60)*

2381 (75)*

  1. All data are presented as mean (standard error of the mean)
  2. *Statistically significant change, p <0.05
  3. EtCO 2 end-tidal carbon dioxide, HR heart rate, EELI end-expiratory lung impedance, RR respiratory rate, SpO 2 peripheral capillary oxygen saturation, SV speaking valve