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Table 2 mitoPO2 and ODR before and after LPS induction

From: Non-invasive monitoring of mitochondrial oxygenation and respiration in critical illness using a novel technique


Baseline measurements (t0)

Measurements 3 hours after LPS infusion (t1)

Control group (n = 8)


 mitoPO2 (mmHg)

59 ± 1

58 ± 5

 ODR (mmHg/second)

5.0 ± 0.3

4.5 ± 0.5


Baseline measurements (t0)

Post-LPS measurements (t1)

LPS resuscitation group (n = 10)


 mitoPO2 (mmHg)

64 ± 3.0

50 ± 2.3*

 ODR (mmHg/second)

5.3 ± 0.5

3.3 ± 0.3*†


Baseline measurements (t0)

Post-LPS measurements (t1)

LPS nonresuscitation group (n = 10)


 mitoPO2 (mmHg)

68 ± 4†

30 ± 3.3*†

 ODR (mmHg/second)

5.7 ± 0.51

1.8 ± 0.3*†

  1. Data presented as mean ± standard error
  2. *Significant difference (p <0.05) compared with baseline measurements
  3. †Significant difference (p <0.05) compared with control group
  4. LPS lipopolysaccharide, mitoPO2 mitochondrial oxygen tension, ODR oxygen disappearance rate