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Table 3 Health care resource use in the year following ICU discharge

From: One-year survival and resource use after critical illness: impact of organ failure and residual organ dysfunction in a cohort study in Brazil

Post-ICU facilities

Patients (n = 690)


530 (77 %)

Step-down unit

160 (23 %)

Unplanned ICU admission

121 (18 %)

Hospital LOS after ICU discharge, days


 Mean ± SD

23 ± 28

 Median [IQR] (range)

13 [6–28] (1–186)

In-hospital mortality

125 (18 %)

Hospital discharge disposition

Patients (n = 565)

 Long-term acute care facility

20 (4 %)

 Rehabilitation facility

27 (5 %)


518 (91 %)

1-yr health resource use

Patients (n = 534)a

 Hospital readmissions

199 (37 %)

 Admission from emergency departmentb

79 (40 %)

Days to the first readmission


 Mean ± SD

100 ± 96

 Median [IQR] (range)

69 [17–154] (1–360)

Hospital LOS on the first readmission,


 Mean ± SD

12 ± 16

 Median [IQR] (range)

6 [3–16] (1–106)

Number of readmissions, median [IQR] (range)

1 [1–2] (1–8)

Emergency department visit

276 (52 %)

Days to the first visit


 Mean ± SD

84 ± 92


49 [14–121] (1–361)

Number of emergency visits, median [IQR] (range)

2 [1–3] (1–27)

Outpatient consultation

478 (90 %)

Days to the first consult


 Mean ± SD

29 ± 45

 Median [IQR] (range)

15 [7–321] (1–356)

Number of outpatient visits, median [IQR] (range)

7 [3–13] (1–48)

Day hospital visit

38 (7 %)

Laboratory/radiologic examinations

270 (51 %)

Psychological/psychiatric service visit

58 (11 %)

Rehabilitation outpatient servicec

77 (14 %)

Long-term acute care facility/rehabilitationd

16 (3 %)

1-yr mortality

46 (9 %)

  1. ICU Intensive Care Unit, IQR interquartile range, LOS length of stay, SD standard deviation
  2. aThere were 34 patients who were not treated in our facilities after discharge
  3. bRefers to the number of the first hospital readmission occurring after an emergency department visit
  4. cIncludes physiotherapy, nutrition and speech therapist
  5. dPatients who were transferred to a long-term acute care or rehabilitation facilities after hospital readmission