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Table 1 Characteristics of participating hospitals, intensive care units, and providers

From: Perceptions of the appropriateness of care in California adult intensive care units



Hospital characteristicsa(n = 56)

Participatingbnumber (percentage or IQR)

Hospital size


 Small (<99 beds)

4 (7.1)

 Moderate (100-399 beds)

44 (78.6)

 Large (400+ beds)

8 (14.3)

Type of hospital


 Not-for profit

45 (80.3)

 For profitc

4 (7.1)


7 (12.5)

ICU size


 <10 beds

9 (16.1)

 10-30 beds

32 (57.1)

 >30 beds

15 (26.8)



 Northern California

22 (39.3)

 Central California

13 (23.2)

 Southern California

21 (37.5)

Academic status


 Teaching hospital

9 (16.1)



 Part of hospital systemc,d

42 (75)

ICU mortality (%) (2011)e

12.3 (10.5-13.3)

ICU characteristicsf(n = 56)


Median number of FTE ICU nurses

45 (25.6-65)

Median number of FTE ICU physicians

4 (2-7)

Median patient-to-intensivist ratio

10 (8-14.1)

Availability of an ethics service

44 (78.6)

24-hour presence of a senior intensivist

10 (17.9)

Availability of an ICU step-down unit

30 (53.6)

Daily multi-disciplinary rounds

42 (75.0)

Guideline or provider order entry set for end-of-life care

39 (69.6)

Provider characteristics (n = 1,363)


Median age in years

42 (35-51)

Number of female respondents

995 (73.0)

Professional role in the ICU



1,156 (84.7)

Certified critical care nurse

291 (21.3)

Registered nurse

865 (63.5)

Nurse practitioner/physician assistant

10 (0.73)


198 (14.5)

 Board-certified critical care physician

130 (9.5)


11 (0.8)


20 (1.5)


37 (2.7)

Type of ICU



755/1,363 (55.4)


211/1,363 (15.5)


171/1,363 (12.5)

 Other (burns, neuro, cardiac)

226/1,363 (16.5)

Median number of years working in ICU (IQR)

7 (3-13)

Median number of hours worked per week(IQR)

36 (32-40)

Number who were trained in current ICU

799 (58.6)

Received formal training in talking with patients and families about end-of-life decisions

431 (31.6)

Treated any patient who had a completed POLST form

1051 (77.1)

Involved in any medico-legal claim, regardless of outcome (physicians/PA/NP only)

83/206 (40.3)

  1. aHospital characteristics derived from Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (California). bAll data are shown as number/total number (percentage) or median (interquartile range). Owing to rounding, percentages may not sum to 100%. cSignificant difference between respondent and non-respondent groups by using chi-square test at P value of less 0.05. dA hospital belongs to a system if there are more than three hospitals under the management or ownership of a central organization. eIntensive Care Unit (ICU) mortality obtained from California Hospital Assessment and Reporting Task Force (CHART) project, previously available at and is for the period October 2010 to September 2011. fICU characteristics are from data provided by the ICU manager at each site. FTE, full-time equivalent; IQR, interquartile range; MICU, medical intensive care unit; NP, nurse practitioner; PA, physician’s assistant; POLST, Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment; SICU, surgical intermediate care unit; TICU, thoracic intermediate care unit.