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Table 3 MPO activity various tissues

From: Propofol increases morbidity and mortality in a rat model of sepsis

MPO activity [U/g]




24 hour animals (sham and CLP)



27.08(± 10.23)

1.20(± 0.39)

4.77(± 2.56)


63.03(± 13.34)***

1.40(± 0.64)

10.12(± 6.75)*

isoflurane + CLP

44.79(± 18.11)*

2.07(± 0.67)

4.77(± 2.56)

sevoflurane + CLP

41.27(± 8.68)

1.53(± 0.57)

7.35(± 4.25)

desflurane + CLP

38.00(± 9.90)

0.87(± 0.24)

8.61(± 3.23)

12 hour CLP animals


isoflurane + CLP

28.48(± 11.42)

0.78(± 0.26)

5.94(± 3.51)

propofol + CLP

54.20(± 9.75)###

0.91(± 0.21)

7.17(± 3.90)

  1. *P <0.05, ***P <0.001 versus sham-isoflurane; ### P <0.001 versus isoflurane + CLP 12 hour. CLP: cecal ligation and puncture; MPO: myeloperoxidase.