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Table 4 Neuro-surgical events in the ICU in severely brain-injured patients

From: Effects of tight computerized glucose control on neurological outcome in severely brain injured patients: a multicenter sub-group analysis of the randomized-controlled open-label CGAO-REA study


Control group

IIT group

P value

Number = 98

Number = 90

Patients presenting at least one episode of ICP ā‰„25 mmHg during ICP monitoring

17 (17.3)

23 (25.5)


Administration of mannitol during ICU

19 (19.4)

28 (31.1)


Barbiturates use during ICU

9 (9.2)

14 (15.6)


  1. Specific neuro-surgical events in the ICU in a sub-group analysis of severely brain-injured patients in two university hospitals of the CGAO-REA study. Categorical data are expressed as number (%) and analyzed with Ļ‡2 test. ICP: intra-cerebral pressure; IIT: intensive insulin therapy.