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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the 92 septic patients enrolled in the study.

From: Inhibition of caspase-1 activation in gram-negative sepsis and experimental endotoxemia

Gender (male/female)


Age (years, mean ± SD)

65.59 ± 19.88

APACHE II score (mean ± SD)

14.36 ± 7.48

Sepsis stage (number, %)


   Uncomplicated sepsis

49 (53.3)

   Severe sepsis

26 (28.3)

   Septic shock

17 (18.5)

Underlying infection (number, %)


   Acute pyelonephritis

38 (41.3)

   Primary bacteremia

27 (29.3)

   Acute intrabdominal infections

27 (29.3)

Co-morbidities (number, %)


   Diabetes melliitus type 2

15 (16.3)

   Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

6 (6.5)

   Chronic renal failure

9 (9.8)

   Chronic heart failure

7 (7.6)

Implicated pathogen* (number, %)


Escherichia coli

21 (22.8)

Klebsiella pneumoniae

11 (11.9)

   Other Gram-negatives

11 (11.9)

Death (number, %)

22 (23.9)

  1. *isolates either in blood or urine. APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation.