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Table 2 Fixed system variables for uniform reporting of data from advanced airway management in the field, identified by an international expert group

From: Revisiting the value of pre-hospital tracheal intubation: an all time systematic literature review extracting the Utstein airway core variables

Data variable name

Data variable categories or values

Definition of data variable



Population count in the primary response area of the EMS



Area in square km or square miles of primary response area of the EMS

Rural, urban, split

1 = Urban

2 = Rural

3 = Split

Urban area defined as: "De facto population living in areas classified as urban according to the criteria used by each area or country. Data refer to 1 July of the year indicated and are presented in thousands"

Rural area defined as: "De facto population living in areas classified as rural. Data refer to 1 July of the year indicated and are presented in thousands"

Usual tiered response

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Time intervals collected

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Mission type

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Times available

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Established airway management protocols

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Airway management techniques available

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Type of tracheal tube confirmation technique

1 = Auscultation

2 = Colorimetry

3 = Capnometry

4 = Capnography

5 = None


Type of available ventilator

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  1. EMS, emergency medical service.