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Table 2 Outcomes after nontraumatic coma and coma aetiology

From: Comparison of APACHE II, MEES and Glasgow Coma Scale in patients with nontraumatic coma for prediction of mortality




Coma aetiology

n (%)

rate (n [%])

rate (n [%])

Hypoxic or ischaemic

62 (21.7)

33 (53.2)

29 (46.8)

Metabolic or septic

45 (15.7)

28 (62.2)

17 (37.8)

Focal cerebral

56 (19.6)

26 (64.3)

20 (35.7)

General cerebral

22 (7.7)

17 (77.3)

5 (22.7)


101 (35.3)

92 (91.1)

9 (8.9)