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Table 1 Definitions of postoperative complications

From: High serum cortisol level is associated with increased risk of delirium after coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a prospective cohort study


Requirements for acceptance

Cardiac insufficiency

Requirement of inotropic support for more than 24 hours or intra-aortic balloon pump support or both


New-onset arrhythmia confirmed by 12-lead electrocardiogram and necessitated medical treatment or electroversion or both

Myocardial infarction

Increase of troponin T concentration above the hospital laboratory's myocardial infarction threshold and either new Q waves (duration of at least 0.03 seconds) or persistent changes (4 days) in ST-T segment

Respiratory insufficiency

Requirement of mechanical ventilation for more than 24 hours


Appearance of persisted new focal neurologic deficit and confirmed by neurologic imaging study


Two or more of systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria, with known or suspected evidence of infection

Pleural effusion

Confirmed by chest x-ray film and necessitated aspiration or surgical drainage

Surgical bleeding

Requirement of reoperation to stop bleeding