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Table 2 Characteristics of 1,955 patients who received fluid resuscitation and indications for the 4,488 episodes of fluid resuscitation

From: Resuscitation fluid use in critically ill adults: an international cross-sectional study in 391 intensive care units

Demographic characteristics

N= 1955


Age, yrs (mean, SD)

60.8 (17.4)


Sex (% male, N)

64.3 (1,256)


Admission characteristics


No of days in ICU at survey date (median, IQR)

3 (0, 10)


Hospital admission for trauma (%, N)

12.0 (234)


Sepsis in 24 hrs prior to survey date (%, N)

33.1 (642)


APACHE II in 24 hrs prior to survey date (mean, SD)

16.3 (8.5)


Died in ICU/hospital at ≤ 28 days (%, N)

16.1 (304)


Admission source


% Operating room after elective surgery

25.1 (489)


% Hospital floor

22.2 (432)


% Transfer from other ICU or hospital

11.8 (230)


% Operating room after emergency surgery

14.5 (283)


% Emergency room

17.0 (331)


% Hospital floor after previous ICU stay

9.4 (184)


Indication for fluid in each fluid resuscitation episode

N = 4,488


% Impaired perfusion/low cardiac output (n)

39.2 (1,743)


% Abnormal vital signs

28.5 (1,266)


% Anaemia/bleeding/coagulopathy

18.5 (822)


% Unit protocol

6.6 (294)


% Other fluid losses

2.9 (131)


% Other

4.3 (191)

  1. Percentages are calculated as column percents. Numbers do not necessarily add to totals due to missing values.