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Table 3 THI and StO2 measurements in 30 healthy human volunteers before, during, and after acute ischemia

From: Tissue hemoglobin index: a non-invasive optical measure of total tissue hemoglobin

Experimental condition

Tissue hemoglobin index

Tissue hemoglobin oxygen saturation

Head-of-bed elevation (no ischemia)

*0°, 60°

*0°, 30°, 60°


14.6 ± 1.68

81.5 ± 5.11


15.0 ± 1.60

78.7 ± 5.17


15.2 ± 1.66

75.3 ± 5.86

Arterial cuff occlusion

*All except baselines

*All except baselines


14.6 ± 1.68

82.0 ± 5.33


10.6 ± 1.81

28.2 ± 10.9

   Recovery peak

18.7 ± 2.71

95.3 ± 1.86

   Recovery baseline

14.8 ± 1.61

82.1 ± 4.57

Venous cuff occlusion

*All except baselines

*All except baselines


14.8 ± 1.61

82.1 ± 4.45


16.2 ± 1.53

68.4 ± 6.84

   Recovery baseline

14.5 ± 1.74

79.6 ± 4.90

Esmarch bandage exsanguination




7.0 ± 1.56

31.7 ± 19.3

   Residual (calculated, Equation (2))

3.7 ± 2.0

Not applicable

   Recovery peak

16.2 ± 2.49

92.1 ± 3.63

   Recovery baseline

13.7 ± 1.90

78.1 ± 6.58

Demographic characteristics


   Age (years)

41.8 ± 9.09


   Height (inches)

68.6 ± 3.47


   Weight (pounds)

171 ± 30.6


   Body mass index (kg/m2)

25.5 ± 3.68


   Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

126 ± 7.9


   Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)

78 ± 8.0


   Mean arterial pressure (mmHg)

94 ± 7.4


   Heart rate (beats/minute)

67 ± 11.6

  1. Data presented as mean ± one standard deviation. Baseline measurements were obtained before inducing ischemia. All ischemia and ischemia recovery measurements were performed at 0° bed elevation. The tissue hemoglobin index (THI) mean was manipulated from 7.0 to 18.7 under conditions of constant blood hemoglobin concentration. *Rows having statistically different means, P < 0.05. StO2, tissue hemoglobin oxygen saturation.