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Table 1 Characteristics of patients with normal serum sodium on day one in the intensive care unit (ICU)*†

From: The epidemiology of intensive care unit-acquired hyponatraemia and hypernatraemia in medical-surgical intensive care units


Serum Sodium Category


Acquire hyponatraemia

(n = 917)

Always normal

(n = 5068)

Acquire hypernatraemia

(n = 2157)



Age, mean, years

57 (19)

56 (20)

60 (18)

Female, number (%)

397 (43)

2060 (41)

866 (40)



Admission location, number (%)


   Emergency department

337 (37)

1926 (38)

833 (39)

   Operating room

243 (27)

1450 (29)

509 (24)

   Hospital floor

217 (24)

1049 (21)

534 (25)

   Transfer from another facility

118 (13)

632 (13)

280 (13)

Admission ICU, number (%)


   Trauma and neurosurgery referral ICU

534 (58)

2568 (51)

1127 (52)

   Vascular surgery referral ICU

214 (23)

1388 (27)

595 (28)

   General medical-surgical ICU

169 (18)

1112 (22)

435 (20)

Weekend admission, number (%)

265 (29)

1294 (26)

599 (28)

Night admission, number (%)

536 (58)

2787 (55)

1267 (59)



Admitting diagnosis category, number (%)



256 (28)

1279 (25)

607 (28)


255 (28)

1570 (31)

570 (26)


404 (44)

2191 (43)

979 (45)

Vasoactive medication first 24 hours, number (%)

318 (35)

936 (19)

820 (38)

Mechanical ventilation first 24 hours, number (%)

619 (67)

3277 (65)

1629 (75)

Temperature, °C

37.0 (1.5)

37.0 (1.3)

36.8 (1.6)

Glasgow Coma Scale score

9.2 (4.4)

9.6 (4.3)

8.1 (4.3)

Serum sodium, mmol/L

137 (3)

139 (3)

140 (3)

Serum potassium, mmol/L

4.0 (0.9)

3.9 (0.7)

4.0 (0.9)

Serum glucose, mmol/L

9.2 (4.0)

8.9 (3.7)

10.0 (4.9)

Serum creatinine, median (IQR) μmol/L

78 (56 to 133)

76 (59 to 104)

90 (64 to 143)


19.8 (7.9)

16.9 (7.5)

21.8 (7.7)

TISS score

39.1 (13.2)

32.3 (11.9)

40.8 (12.5)

Level of care, number (%)


   Full care

887 (97)

4799 (95)

2018 (94)

   Full care, but no CPR

30 (3)

258 (5)

135 (6)

   Comfort care

0 (0)


4 (0)

  1. *Results reported as mean (standard deviation) unless indicated.
  2. †Physiological and laboratory data represent the most abnormal values recorded during the first day in ICU.
  3. APACHE = Acute Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation, CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation, IQR = interquartile range, TISS = Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System.