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Table 1 Anthropometric measures

From: The influence of body composition on therapeutic hypothermia: a prospective observational study of patients after cardiac arrest



Skin fold thickness (caliper 5 g/mm2)


   Triceps and biceps

Nondominant side/supine position/between olecranon and acromion


Two centimeters below scapula/patient lying on one side

   Supra iliac

Upper anterior iliac spine




Breath (sliding caliper)


Breath (sliding caliper)


Circumference of minimum waist (cm)


Circumference of maximum hip (cm)

TBF calculations, percentage


   Womersley [9]

33.5 (log Σ 4 skin fold thickness) - 31.1

   James [10]

Men: 1.1 × weight - (128 × weight2/100 × height2)


Women: 1.07 × weight - 148 × weight2/100 × height2

   von Döbeln [11]

15.1 × [(height)2 × (Σ femoral condylar breaths) × (Σ radioulnar breaths)] 0.712

   Deurenberg et al. [12]

(1.2 × BMI) + (0.23 × age) - (10.8 × gender) - 5.4

  1. BMI, body mass index; TBF, total body fat.