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Table 1 The 4T (thrombocytopenia, timing, thrombosis, and other causes) pretest probability of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia [6]

From: Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia during renal replacement therapy in the intensive care unit







Acute thrombocytopenia

20 to 100 × 109/l, at least 30%, or any 50% fall

10 to 19 × 109/l, any 30% to 50% fall, or > 50% fall post cardiac surgery

< 10 × 109/l, or any < 30% fall

Timing of fall in platelet count or thrombosis or other sequalae

Clearly 5 to 10 days (or ≤ 1 day if previous heparin given for < 30 days)

5 to 10 days but not clear (or ≤ 1 day if previous heparin for 31 to 100 days), or > 10 days

≤ 4 days, with no prior heparin exposure

Thrombosis or other clinical sequalae

New thrombosis, skin necrosis, or acute systemic reaction post intravenous bolus

Progressive or recurrent thrombosis, erythematous skin lesions


Other cause for thrombocytopenia

No other explanation

Possible other cause evident

Definite other cause present

  1. High total score, 6 to 8 (HIT very likely); intermediate total score, 4 to 5; and low total score 0 to 3. Timing = first day of exposure to heparin, counted as day 0.