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Table 4 Gastric emptying measurements in various groups of diagnosis

From: The impact of admission diagnosis on gastric emptying in critically ill patients


Intra-cerebral injurya

(n = 30)


(n = 9)


(n = 29)


(n = 44)

Non-GI post-operative respiratory failure

(n = 12)

Cardiac injury

(n = 15)

Delayed gastric emptying







Relative risk of delayed GEd (CI)

1.8 (1.1–2.8)

4.2 (1.1–15.0)

2.0 (1.2–3.5)

1.5 (1.02–2.0)



Age (years)

51.5 ± 1.5

37.2 ± 0.9

47.5 ± 1.8

65.8 ± 0.9

59.3 ± 1.2

58.8 ± 1.3

Days in ICU prior to study

9.8 ± 0.6

9.5 ± 1.5

7.0 ± 0.5

7.7 ± 0.5

6.3 ± 0.4

7.5 ± 2.1




23.7 ± 0.4

24.1 ± 0.5

23.2 ± 0.6

25.9 ± 0.5

22.3 ± 0.6

21.9 ± 0.6

   Study day

17.5 ± 0.5

14.3 ± 0.6

16.4 ± 0.6

18.5 ± 0.6

17.8 ± 0.5

17.5 ± 0.5

Blood glucose concentrations on study day (mmol/l)

7.9 ± 0.2

8.9 ± 0.3

7.5 ± 0.2

8.5 ± 0.3

7.3 ± 0.4

8.7 ± 0.3

Medications, % (n)


   Opioid ± benzodiazepine

80% (24)

89% (8)

89% (26)

82% (36)

83% (10)

73% (11)


83% (25)

33% (3)

69% (20)

57% (25)

58% (7)

40% (6)


63% (19)

89% (8)

52% (15)

91% (40)

58% (7)

53% (8)

Enteral feeding rate (ml/hour)


   Prior to breath testing

28 ± 2

47 ± 3

29 ± 3

52 ± 3

53 ± 3

76 ± 3

   After breath testing

58 ± 3

67 ± 2

40 ± 2

64 ± 3

55 ± 2

76 ± 2

Length of stay (days)


   In ICU

20 ± 3

34 ± 9

19 ± 2

20 ± 2

20 ± 2

16 ± 3

   In hospital

46 ± 6

70 ± 5

52 ± 6

37 ± 3

37 ± 2

29 ± 2

Prokinetic therapy for feeding during ICU admissione, % (n)

40% (12)

33% (3)

35% (10)

32% (14)

0% (0)

20% (3)

  1. aSeven patients had head injury due to multi-trauma. bP < 0.05, versus the other four groups on hierarchical regression analysis after controlling for age, admission APACHE II scores, and serum creatinine. cP < 0.01, versus the other four groups on hierarchical regression analysis after controlling for age, admission APACHE II scores, and serum creatinine.dCompared with patients with cardiac injury.eIn all patients, prokinetic agents were ceased more than or equal to 24 hours prior to the assessment of GE. APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; CI, 95% confidence interval; GE, gastric emptying; GI, gastrointestinal; ICU, intensive care unit.