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Table 2 Characteristics of paediatric intensive care admissions below and above one month of age

From: Myocardial injury in infants ventilated on the paediatric intensive care unit: a case control study


Neonates <1 month old (n = 22)

Older infants >1 month old (n = 25)

p value

Age (weeks)

0.3 (0.1–0.7)

20 (13–26)


Weight (kg)

2.7 (2.2–3.2)

5.8 (4.0–8.0)


Male (n (percent))

14 (64)

16 (64)


Surgical (n (percent))

17 (52)

6 (24)


PIM (percent)

7.9 (3.2–10.8)

3.9 (1.5–7.5)


Volume resuscitation (ml/kg)

10 (0–30)

0 (0–20)


Systolic BP on admission (mmHg)

71 (62–77)

105 (85–120)


Length of ventilation (days)

3 (2–9)

3 (2–5)


  1. aMann-Whitney test; bChi square-test; cFishers exact test. PIM, paediatric index of mortality. Except where specified, all values in parentheses represent interquartile ranges.