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Table 2 Risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) for heat and moisture exchangers versus heated humidifiers, adjusted for the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score

From: Ventilator-associated pneumonia using a heated humidifier or a heat and moisture exchanger: a randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN88724583]


Heat and moisture exchanger group (n = 53)

Heated humidifier group (n = 51)

Hazard ratio (95% confidence interval)

P value

Global VAP

21 (39%)

8 (15%)

16.20 (4.54–58.04)


VAP caused by Gram-positive cocci

8 (15%)

3 (5%)

5.44 (1.08–27.31)


VAP caused by Gram-negative bacilli

13 (24%)

5 (9%)

23.54 (2.98–186.07)


Primary endogenous VAP

8 (15%)

1 (1%)

8.56 (1.07–68.70)


Secondary endogenous VAP

12 (22%)

6 (11%)

12.45 (2.65–58.38)


  1. Data presented as n (%). P values from the Cox Regression model.