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Table 4 Patient demographics, analgesia, and incidence of renal and hepatic impairment

From: A prospective randomised pilot study of sedation regimens in a general ICU population: a reality-based medicine study




Number (% male)

17 (76.5%)

14 (64.3%)

Mean age (SD)

44.1 (17.7)

56.6 (16.8)

Median APACHE II (range)

17 (5–35)

15 (3–33)

Mortality (%)

1/17 (5.9%)

1/14 (7.1%)

Incidence of renal impairment

1/17 (5.9%)

2/14 (14.2%)

Incidence of hepatic impairment

0/17 (0%)

2/14 (14.2%)

Morphine (mg/h), median (range)

2.8 (0–6.6)

1.6 (0–4.5)

  1. APACHE, Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation.