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The measurement of proximal inspiratory pressure at intensive care unit admission can predict patient hospital mortality


Maximal inspiratory pressure is one of the respiratory parameters that can be used to evaluate the respiratory function in the intensive care unit (ICU). However, the meaning of these values for the diagnosis of muscle disorders or for the prognosis of these patients is not completely understood.


We prospectively evaluated 213 patients admitted to a general ICU from April 2002 to August 2002. We measured the maximal inspiratory pressure and maximal expiratory pressure (the best of three measurements), tidal volume (ml), respiratory frequency, body mass index, age, gender, hospital admission time and mortality.


The measurements at ICU admission were: mean inspiratory pressure, 42.32 ± 19.92 mmHg (-12 to 120 mmHg); mean expiratory pressure, 43.66 ± 20.72 mmHg (0–120 mmHg); mean tidal volume, 460 ± 146 ml (100–1000 ml); respiratory frequency, 20 ± 6 (10–49); body mass index, 22.19 ± 4.94 (12.7–43.83); mean age, 61.78 ± 18.52 years (19–94 years); females, 81; males, 130.

Lower maximal inspiratory pressure, lower tidal volume and higher age are values were correlated with higher patient inhospital mortality.


The measurement of maximal inspiratory pressure at ICU admission can be a useful parameter to predict inhospital mortality. Possible interventions such as better muscle evaluation, respiratory physiotherapy and muscle training programmes should be studied in the future.


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Manara, M., Barbas, C. The measurement of proximal inspiratory pressure at intensive care unit admission can predict patient hospital mortality. Crit Care 7 (Suppl 3), P54 (2003).

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